Scientific Publications, Book chapters, Abstracts and Presentations

  1. ​​Gebreegziabher Y, McCullough PA, Bubb C, Loney-Hutchinson L, Makaryus JN, Anand N, Divakaran V, Akhrass P, Alam A, Gizycki H, McFarlane SI.  Admission hyperglycemia and length of hospital stay in patients with diabetes and heart failure: a prospective cohort study. Congestive Heart Failure, 2008 May-Jun;14(3):117-20.

  2. McFarlane SI, Gebreegziabher Y, Bubb C, Makaryus AN.  Mechanisms of Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes.  Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Clark LT (ed).  Book chapter. McGraw-Hill Publishing; US. 2007.

  3. McFarlane SI: Gizycki HV; Salifu M; Deshmukh M; Manieram M; Gebreegziabher Y; Gliwa AA; Bordia S; Shah S; Sowers JR.  Alcohol consumption and blood pressure in the adult US population: assessment of gender-related effects.  Journal of Hypertension. 25(5):965-970, May 2007.

  4. Gebreegziabher Y, Makaryus AN, Makaryus JN, McFarlane SI. Heart failure: metabolic derangements and therapeutic rationale.  Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2007 Mar;5(2):331-43.

  5. McFarlane SI, Agnieszka G, Bubb C, Joseph L, Arora S, Nicasio J, Gebreegziabher Y, Deshmokh M, Shatzkes J, El-Atat F& Mellish D.  Predictors of sliding scaleinsulin use by housestaff physicians in the management of hospitalized patients with diabetes mellitus. Therapy. 2006; 3(3): 395-398. 

  6. Gebreegziabher Y, Marcos E, Mckinon W, Rogers WG.  Change in Sperm Characteristics of Endurance Trained Cyclists. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2004 May; 25(4):247-51.

  7. Maina JN, Gebreegziabher Y, Woodley, Buffenstein RR. Effects of change in environmental temperature and natural shifts in carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations on the lungs of captive naked mole rates (Heterocephalus glaber): a morphological and morphometric study.2001,  Journal of Zoology. 2001 253: 371-382.

  8. Gebreegziabher Y, Bubb C, Makaryus J, Anand N,Divakaran V, McFarlane SI. Glycemic Control and the Length of Hospital Stay in Patients With Diabetes and Heart Failure: A Prospective Cohort Study.  Journal of American College of Cardiology. 2007; 49 (9)(Supplement A). pp 75A.

  9. Bahtiyar G, Aytaman A, Arora S, Shin JJ, Joseph LA, Nikkanti R, Pantone V, Wesolowski R, Sham P, Gebreegziabher Y, Suryanarayan M, Sowers JR, McFarlane SI. Chronic Hepatitis C Infection and the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Among Men of Different Ethinic Backgrounds, A cross sectional study. 2004.  55th Annual Meeting of American Association for the study of Liver Disease. 

  10. Aytaman A, Bahtiyar G, Arora S, Shin JJ, Joseph LA, Nikkanti R, Pantone V, Wesolowski R, Sham P, Gebreegziabher Y, Suryanarayan M, Sowers JR, McFarlane SI.  Cholestatic liver enzymes as predictors of type 2 diabetes in patients with hepatitis C infection. A cross sectional study, 2004.  55th Annual Meeting of American Association for the study of Liver Disease. 

  11. Gebreegziabher Y, MJB Van Veen and J A Temlett.  Organotypic dopamine cell culture model for the assessment of toxic stressors. 1999. Neurological Association of South Africa, 1999 Annual congress, Cape Town, South Africa.

  12. Y. Gebreegziabher, E. Marcos, C. Hartford and G. Rogers.  Semen Characteristics of long distance cyclists and runners.  25th Annual Congress of the Physiological Society of South Africa & 2nd International Congress of the African Association of Physiologic Sciences,1997, Durban, South Africa. 

  13. Y. Gebreegziabher.Sleep deprivation and medical education. Invited Grand Round, SUNY Downstate Medical Center. April 2005.

  14. Gebreegziabher YA, Bubb C, Makaryus J, Anand N,Divakaran V, McFarlane SI. Glycemic Control and the Length of Hospital Stay in Patients With Diabetes and Heart Failure: A Prospective Cohort Study.  Presented at American College of Cardiology 56th Annual Scientific Session, March 2007. 

  15. Y. Gebreegziabher . Organotypic dopamine cell culture model of the ventral mesencephalon for the assessment of toxic stressors.  Presented at Neurological congress of South Africa, March 1999, Cape Town, South Africa. 

  16.  Y. Gebreegziabher. Semen characteristics of long distance runners and cyclists.  Presented at Physiological society of Southern Africa and Annual African Physiological Society, Sept 1997, Durban South Africa.

(209) 668 8030 & (209) 826-4800

(209) 385-2240

Central Valley Cardiovascular Medical Group

Yohannes Abrham Gebreegziabher

M.D., F.A.C.C.

Board Certified and Diplomat of American Board of Internal Medicine in sub speciality of Cardiovascular Disease

Board Certified and Diplomat of American Board of Internal Medicine

Board Certified and Diplomat of National Board of Echocardiography

Board Certified and Diplomat of Board of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography​

Board Certified and Diplomat of Board of Nuclear Cardiology.

Certificates and Diplomas

  1. Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates - Certified indefinitely.  

  2. Certificate of completion chief of Fellows in Sub speciality of Cardiovascular Disease 

  3. Certificate of completion Sub speciality in Cardiovascular Disease  

  4. Certificate of Chief of house staff Physician in Internal Medicine

  5. Certificate of Internal Medicine house staff physician training

  6. Certificate, Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography

  7. Certificate, National Board of Echocardiography. Diplomat and Board certified in adult echocardiography

  8. Certificate, Board of Nuclear Cardiology. Diplomate and board certification in Nuclear Cardiology

  9. Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours - University Of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

  10. Certificate of Doctor of Medicine

  11. Certificate, Current Practice of vascular ultrasound

Cardiovascular Medical group is a team of cardiologists with the highest quality of medical service in cardiology and vein